Friday, June 15, 2012

Family Fortunes Faux pas, Part Deux!

‘Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”

Family Fortunes is a bit of a goldmine for a blog like this. Nowhere does stupidity become more apparent than when a bit of pressure is added to the mix, in these cases the time constraint of trying to answer a question as quickly as possible.

Hope this selection makes you smile this weekend.

Name a measurement of liquid:


Name a famous Dick:


Name something that comes in 7's:


Name a vocalist known by only one name:

"Michael Jackson.."

Name something you hide in your socks when you go swimming:

"Your legs.."

Name a place you would keep a pen:

"A zoo.."

Name something associated with rain:


Name something you make into a ball:


Name a game that uses a black ball:


Name a popular TV soap:


Other than 'carrier', name a type of bag:


Name something you might find in a garage:

"a grand piano.."

Name something a Frenchman would say:

"On Garde.."

Name something that has a shell:


Name something a policeman might say:

"Spread 'em.."

Name a non-living object with legs:

"A plant.."

Name a sign of the Zodiac:


Name an animal associated with a nursery rhyme:

"Andy Pandy.."

Name a mode of transport that you can walk in:

"Your shoes.."

Name an animal with big ears:

"A bear.."

Name something you do on water:


Name a musical instrument you can play in the bath:

"A drum kit.."

Name something associated with Egypt:


Name a part of your body you only have one of:

"Your big toe.."

Name something you pull:

"A potato.."

Name something you open other than a door:

"Your bowels.."

Name something people might be allergic to:


Name an occupation where you need a torch:

"A burglar.."

Name a dangerous race:

"The Arabs.."

Name some famous brothers:

"Bonnie and Clyde.."

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