Thursday, June 21, 2012

A Few More Funnies For Friday

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”

I have the pleasure of presenting another lot of public faux-pas from the quiz show stable. These are a constant source of amusement for me, and I hope for you too. The sheer absurdity of some of the answers just leaves me in amazement at what is going on inside these peoples’ heads.

In this lot “Name a bird with a long neck” was my favorite, but have a read through them and pick your own winner.


Name a part of the body you have more than two of:


Name something you do before going to bed:


Name something you might do in a power cut:

"Read a book.."

Name a famous Parisian landmark:


Name the first place detectives look for fingerprints:

"The floor.."

Name something you associate with the sea:

"A coffin.."

Name a famous Arthur:


Name something people take to the beach:


Name something a girl should know about a man before marrying him:

"His name.."

Name a bird with a long neck:

"Naomi Campbell.."

Name an item of clothing a woman might borrow from a man:


Name something taken from a hotel as a souvenir:

"The lamps.."

Name something you keep in a garden shed:

"A gardener.."

Name a song with moon in the title:

"Blue Suede Moon.."

Name a famous cowboy:

"Buck Rogers.."

Name a famous Wild-West character:

"Wild Bill Eacock.."

Name a fruit used in fruit salad:


Name something you wear on the beach:

"A deckchair.."

Name a method of cooking fish:


Name something you borrow from your partner:


Name a part of the body beginning with N:


Name something red:

"My cardigan.."

Name something with a hole in it:

"A window.."

Name something you put on walls:


Name something that floats in the bath:


Name something in the garden that's green:

"The shed.."

Name something a blind man might use:

"A sword.."

Name the last thing you take off before going to bed:

"Your feet.."


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