Thursday, August 2, 2012

Courting Disasters

“Fight Against Stupidity And Bureaucracy”

No, not the romantic kind of courting disasters, not this time anyhow. Today it’s another selection from the courts.
You may forgive the witness and jury member responses (although some of them are really dumb), but it is hard to believe when you read some of this that these lawyers have had the benefit of an expensive education.
Money and time wasted?
Judge for yourselves.

But first a joke….

A witness to an automobile accident was testifying in court.

The following exchange took place between the lawyer and the witness:

The lawyer: "Did you actually see the accident?"

The witness: "Yes, sir."

The lawyer: "How far away were you when the accident happened?"

The witness: "Thirty-one feet, six and one quarter inches."

The lawyer (thinking he'd trap the witness): "Well, sir, will you tell the jury how you knew it was
exactly that distance?"

The witness: "Because when the accident happened I took out a tape and measured it. I knew some stupid lawyer would ask me that question."

Defendant: I remember when I was in your courtroom in 1956 when you was a municipal judge
Counsel: I don’t think we should go into that
Defendant: Not guilty, too
Counsel: Well, we all make mistakes, sir, but you didn’t make one
Defendant: Well you made one, I was guilty

District Attorney: Okay. How much earlier had you used cocaine?
Defendant: I was getting high all that day
District Attorney: All right. So you were using cocaine. Were you free-basing cocaine?
Defendant: No I bought it.

Counsel: Okay. Now let me ask you again, had you been drinking that day? Alcohol, I mean?
Defendant: Uh-huh
Counsel: Had you?
Defendant’s Counsel  Answer it audibly
Counsel: Had you been drinking alcohol that day?
Defendant: Audibly
Counsel: What were you drinking, beer or what?
Defendant: Uh-huh
Counsel: Beer?
Defendant: Audibly

District Attorney: Judge, I would object to Counsel’s characterization of this disagreement. He is giving a one-sided view.
Judge:  Of course he is. That is what you expect of a trial attorney

Judge:  Please begin
Counsel: Thank you
Q. (to witness) Miss, while you have, if you do have – you still- oh, you don’t.
Judge: That was a great start, counsel

Judge:  Are all of the defendants black?
Counsel #1:  My client is white
Counsel #2:  My client is described in the police report as mulatto
Judge: How do you describe her?
Counsel #2:  Pregnant

Counsel:  Your Honor, the defense would argue the People haven’t proved the prior conviction.
District Attorney: Oh shit!
Counsel:  That’s a legal term?
Judge:  One used quite often in law school

District Attorney: Did the defendant make any other statements to you at that time?
Witness: He told me he had the best lawyer in Los Angeles and that I didn’t have a case
Counsel: I’ll stipulate to that, Your Honor

Q: What about the research?
A:  I don’t think there is any research on that. There’s a logical hunch that may be true, but I know of no research study that would support that at this point in time.
Q: What about just common sense?
A: Well I am not here using common sense. I am here as an expert.

Q: How long would it take for a sphincter spasm to heal, Doctor?
A: Sphincter spasm is not a disease process. I mean, as you stand there, you can have a sphincter spasm if you wanted to.
Q: I could have a sphincter spasm right now if I wanted to?
A: Just tighten your sphincter and that is your sphincter spasm. Try it.
Q: Can you have one right now, Doctor?
A: Yeah, I think we all can

Q: Deputy, showing your photographs numbers 3 and 4, can you identify those?
A: Those were photographs taken at our sheriff’s headquarters.
Q: Do you recognize the individuals in the photographs?
A: Yes, sir
Q: And, in Exhibit No. 3, do you recognize that subject?
A: Yes sir
Q: How do you recognize him?
A: There’s a name card in front of him.
Court breaks into laughter
Judge: Oh, I love that. We don’t get paid much, but we do have a good time.

Q: Officer have you ever cut yourself?
A: Yes sir
Q: When you cut yourself did anything come out?
A: Yes sir
Q: What color was that?
Counsel:  I objet Your Honor as irrelevant
Judge: Overruled
A: It was red
Q: Did that red substance that came out appear to be similar to the red substance you saw at the scene?
A: Yes sir
Q: Does that red substance have a name?
A: Yes Sir, it does
Q: What is it called?
A: Blood


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